Sojourners Magazine
Screen Shot Sojourners Magazine
Discrimination, Human rights, Islamophobia, Racism, Social justice
Blog / news media story, Curriculum – general

Sojourners Magazine. (n.d.). Sojourners. Retrieved December 19, 2021, from

Sojourners is a magazine created by a group of Christians who draw on their faith to promote social justice, life and peace, and environmental consciousness. In their work, they aim to be fair in their coverage of the world and engage with others from different faiths and beliefs. This website also includes SojoAction, a platform for faith-rooted advocacy. SojoAction addresses topics such as climate justice, democracy, economic justice, human rights and global poverty, immigration, nonviolence and peace, racial justice, women and girls. Resources and training are also made available. Note: Sojourners Magazine requires a subscription.

Click HERE to access the website

The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.