Islamophobia in the Media Since September 11th
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Christopher Allen
Journal article

Allen, C. (2001). Islamophobia in the Media Since September 11th. Exploring Islamophobia: Deepening Our Understanding of Islam and Muslims Conference. Sept. 2001, University of Westminster, School of Law, London, UK. 10 pages.

Christopher Allen highlights the representation of Muslims and the reproduction of Islamophobia in British media after September 11, 2001. According to Allen, the media presents Muslims as a monolithic group and illustrates all Muslims as terrorists and/or threats to British society. His findings suggest that representations of Muslims as terrorists and other stereotypical images fuels Islamophobic sentiments as it creates a us versus them dualism. In addition, the article illustrates how the media uses specific individuals, organizations, and academic experts to represent Islam to further a certain narrative and agenda. Allen concludes that the constant negative representation of Muslims and Islam adversely impacts Muslims.

The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.