Honour Killings and Intimate Partner Homicide in Canada
Ceilidh Beveridge
Research report / thesis / dissertation

Beveridge, C. K. E. (2010). Honour killings and intimate-partner homicide in Canada [Acadia
University]. https://scholar.acadiau.ca/islandora/object/theses%3A739/

“An honour killing is defined as taking place when an individual is murdered because her or his indiscretions or misfortunes have brought shame upon their families ( Goldstein 2002); in contrast, intimate- partner homicide is the murder or non- negligent manslaughter of a person by her or his current or former intimate partner (Websdale 1999). On June 30, 2009 an alleged “honour killing‟ occurred in the locus of the Kingston community, taking the lives of four innocent women. The murder gained the attention of media outlets, sparking my curiosity in this cultural trial. This thesis investigates the differences and similarities between Western intimate- partner homicides and the mislabelled “Middle Eastern‟ practice. Dismissing biological determinants as a source for legitimacy, investigating the limits of multiculturalism, and framing patriarchy in Canada will aid in finding a means to equate these two detrimental acts of violence against women. With the assistance of theoretical frameworks encompassing radical, liberal, and Islamic feminism, as well as Bourdieu’s Symbolic Violence perspective, an effective critique will be engaged. Incorporating Canadian society and understanding the similarities and differences that lay at the core of honour killings and intimate- partner homicide will produce conclusions not yet published in the present literature. Individuals in Canada are encouraged to seek tolerance for cultural diversity, and a more in- depth insight into what is happening to women outside of stereotypical honour killings helps put these crimes into context.”

The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.


Image credit: “Binded Document” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0.