Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators
Screen Shot Teaching the Middle East.
Teaching the Middle East
Curriculum – general

Teaching the Middle East: A Resource for Educators. (n.d.). Teaching the Middle East. Retrieved December 18, 2021, from http://teachmiddleeast.lib.uchicago.edu/index.html

Teaching the Middle East is a resource educators can use in their classroom to help students learn about Middle Eastern history and culture. This resource guide includes three sections: foundations, historical perspectives, and classroom connection. The foundations section discusses topics such as the geography of the Middle East, the golden age of Islam, the origins of civilization, and the Middle East as a net exporter of religion. The historical perspectives include topics such as writing and literature, rulership and justice, the question of identity, empires to nation-states, and the Middle East as seen through foreign eyes. Lastly, the classroom connections section includes lesson plans with guiding questions for each topic in each section.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.