A Fireside Chat: Dr. Shirley Steinberg in conversation with Dr. Özlem Sensoy

Rock n’ Roll and Research: A Bricolage

In this conversation with Özlem Sensoy, Shirley Steinberg will discuss principles and ethics of rock n’ roll and its value as a generative metaphor for research. The conversation will cover aspects of performance & “sway/g,” history & values, radicalism & margins, volume & voice, collaboration & individuality. As the late Freddie Mercury said, “Darling, my attitude is ‘fuck it’; I’m doing everything with everyone.” This conversation will explore what it could mean to open up the rich world and work of educational research to the radicalism of rock n’ roll.

Presenter bios

Dr. Shirley R. Steinberg is an innovative urban educator and social theorist committed to transformative leadership and authentic diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice. Dr. Steinberg was formerly the Graduate Program Director for Literacy Programs at Brooklyn College. As an administrator, she directed a large centre at McGill University, where she developed funding, infrastructure, building, and staffing. At the University of Calgary, she opened and directed The Werklund Centre for Youth Leadership and held the Werklund Research Chair of Critical Youth Studies for two terms. Dr. Steinberg also served as director of the Institute for Youth and Community Research at the University at the West of Scotland. Dr. Steinberg’s scholarship has contributed to critical pedagogy, critical leadership studies, inclusive education, and critical research studies.

Committed to multicultural education and internationally published over the past two-and-a-half decades, Dr. Steinberg promotes the work of new and emerging scholars. As a series editor, she has facilitated the publication of over 650 books in leadership and teaching, urban education, critical pedagogy, foundations of education, and cultural studies. She is the founding editor of four academic journals, including Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education & The International Journal of Leadership in Learning.

Dr. Özlem Sensoy is Professor of Education in the Faculty of Education and the director of the Cassidy Centre for Educational Justice (“Cedge”). Cedge is hosting Dr. Steinberg as a visiting scholar between July 15 and 29. If you would like to connect with Dr. Steinberg one-on-one, please email the Centre: ccej@sfu.ca

The event will take place on Thursday, July 18, from 4:30 – 6:30pm. Register here.