A look behind the veil at sexuality in Islam
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P. Kelley
Islamophobia, Stereotyping
Blog / news media story

Kelley, P. (2008, October 30). A look behind the veil at sexuality in Islam — second of four in the Centennial Lecture Series. University of Washington. https://www.washington.edu/news/2008/10/30/a-look-behind-the-veil-at-sexuality-in-islam-second-of-four-in-the-centennial-lecture-series/ 


Jonathan A.C. Brown, an assistant professor at University of Washington, addresses the dichotomy pertaining to western perceptions of sexuality in Islam That is, individuals perceive Muslims as belly dancers or as restrained beings. Brown notes that the binary regarding sexuality in Islam has elements of truth, however, he argues that it is inaccurate to view Muslims as a homogeneous group as Muslims believe and do different things.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.

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