Art of the Islamic World: A Resource for Educators—Unit 6: From the City to the Steppe
Art of the Islamic World: A Resource for Educators—Unit 6: From the City to the Steppe.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Curriculum – general, Curriculum – K-12, Lesson plan

Art of the Islamic World: A Resource for Educators—Unit 6: From the City to the Steppe. (n.d.). The Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Unit Six of the MET Museum Art of the Islamic World discusses art beyond the royal courts. This chapter features three societies: medieval Nishapur, the Turkmen of Central Asia, and the urban elite of the 18th century in Damascus. Chapter One, Daily Life in Medieval Nishapur, highlights the artifacts that were found in the city of Nishapur. Chapter Two, Domestic Life in 18th Century Damascus, looks into the house of an affluent family in Damascus to analyze the culture of the elite in the area during that time. Chapter Three, The Nomads of Central Asia: Turkmen Traditions, illustrates how the art of the Turkmen reflected their lifestyle. This chapter includes topics such as who are the Turkmen, the nomadic way of life, the dwelling, weaving, and jewelry making. Examples of featured art in this section are storage bags and amulets. Each chapter includes a lesson plan to help educators teach their students about this theme and topic. Grade level: elementary.

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The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.

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