Article 8: Respect for your private and family life
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Human rights, Islamophobia, Legal literacy
Resources; government & legal

Article 8: Respect for your private and family life. (2021, June 24). Equality and Human Rights Commission. 


Article 8 of the Human Rights Act protects individuals’ rights to respect their private life, family life and their home. This Article defines what is private life, family life, and what is a home. The Article also includes instances where authorities can interfere in regards to this right such as in order to protect national security, protect public safety, protect the economy, protect health/morals, prevent crime, and to protect the rights and freedoms of others. This document also provides an example of using this rights. Lastly, the document also provides information about what the law says regarding the right to privacy protection by drawing on examples and texts from the Human Rights Act.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.


Image credit: “Binded Document” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0.