Author Hena Khan on the Van Show
Hena Khan [Video].  Screen Shot
Austin Public Library
Film / video

Austin Public Library. (2018, May 23). Hena Khan [Video]. YouTube.

Hena Khan is a Pakistani-American author who writes books for children and young adults about religion and culture. In this video, she discusses when she began writing and what inspired her. Hena also mentions her book, Power Forward, which is the first book in a brand new series. The book features a young boy Zaid Salim and his relationship with basketball. Hena also highlights her popular book Amina’s Voice, a book about a 12 year old girl who is learning how to navigate middle schools as a Pakistani-American.

Click HERE to watch the video

The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.

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