Christian Privilege and the Everyday Impact of Christian Hegemony
Screen Shot Christian Zionism
Paul Kivel
Discrimination, Islamophobia, Social justice
Book chapter

Kivel, P. (2016). Christian Privilege and the Everyday Impact of Christian Hegemony. In Privilege: A Reader (4th ed.). Routledge.

In this chapter, Paul Kivel notes the privilege Christians possess in society. This is due to Christian dominance through force and the normalization of Christian culture which are disguised as secular or non-Christian. Kivel conceptualizes Christian dominance as Christian hegemony. Christian hegemony has interpersonal and institutional effects. As Christians benefit from Christian hegemony, Kivel calls upon Christians to become allies by providing ways to counter Christian hegemony.

The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.

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