Court challenge, protest greet day one of Quebec’s anti-religious symbols law
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Jonathan Montpetit, CBC News
Discrimination, Human rights, Islamophobia, Social justice
Blog / news media story

Montpetit, J. (2019, June 17). Court challenge, protest greet day one of Quebec’s anti-religious symbols law. CBC News. 


Quebec’s Bill 21, which bans public employees from wearing religious symbols at work, has received opposition. Specifically, organizations such as NCCM and CCLA have filed a motion to challenge the Bill in court. Individuals, such as Ichrak Nourel Hak and Amrit Kaur, who have been impacted by the Bill are fighting against it. However, opponents face a significant challenge: the notwithstanding clause. Therefore, another route has been taken to challenge the Bill such as arguing against the Bill on the grounds of equality and the vagueness of the Bill.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.