Feeling the Chill: Discrimination against Muslims and Arabs in Canada
Screen Shot Feeling the Chill: Discrimination against Muslims and Arabs in Canada
Canadian Council for Refugees
Discrimination, Islamophobia
Resources; government & legal

Feeling the Chill: Discrimination against Muslims and Arabs in Canada. (2004). Canadian Council for Refugees. https://ccrweb.ca/files/discrimination_against_arabs_and_muslims_in_canada.pdf

This brochure highlights the discrimination experienced by Muslim Canadians and the media depictions of said groups. As a result of the discrimination Muslims experience, they are significantly impacted. Specifically, they harbour feelings of fear due to the increasing discrimination their group faces. In order to address this issue, this brochure also includes what individuals and communities can do to celebrate, protect, and stand up for Muslim and Arab Canadians. A resource list for more information is also provided.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.