Here’s what Ottawa has said, and done, about Islamophobia and attacks on Muslim Canadians
Screen Shot Here’s what Ottawa has said, and done, about Islamophobia and  attacks on Muslim Canadians
Nick Boisvert (CBC News)
Film / video

Boisvert, N. (2021, June 8). Here’s what Ottawa has said, and done, about Islamophobia and attacks on Muslim Canadians. CBC News.

In 2017, the Canadian government condemned Islamophobia. The topic of Islamophobia in the House of Common remerged in 2021 after the murder of four Muslims in Ontario. The article highlights various actions the government has taken in order to address Islamophobia, such as the motion tabled by MP Iqra Khalid: M-103 (condemning Islamophobia). In addition, a Heritage committee report on Islamophobia was conducted in 2018 and in 2019 the anti-racism strategy lists Islamophobia as a form of discrimination. Lastly, political leaders are pushing to fight online hate speech. A video is also embedded within the article.

Click HERE to access the news article

The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.