Honour based violence
Indo Canadian Women's Association
Blog / news media story

Honour based Violence. (n.d.). Indo Canadian Women’s Association. Retrieved January 31, 2023, from https://icwaedmonton.org/honour-based-violence/ 


Honour killings are a form of violence against women where individuals, particularly women and girls, are killed for dishonouring the family and/or community. The term is quite controversial as the term “honour killings” may justify the crime in the name of honour. In the case of honour killings, honour refers to women upholding traditional values. There are numerous causes for honour based violence such as the acceptance of honour based violence and family power structures. Honour killings occur in various parts of the word and are on the rise in countries such as Canada. In order to address honour based violence, the Indo Canadian Women’s Association (ICWA) launched a project to end honour-based violence against women and girls.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.


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