Honour Crimes and the Law
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Pascale Fournier
Curriculum – post-secondary, Journal article

Fournier, P. (2012). Introduction: Honour Crimes and the Law – Public Policy in an Age of  Globalization. Canadian Criminal Law Review, 16(2), 103–114. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/docview/1018564871/citation/74FF7A48A3DC4651PQ/1


Upon being charged for their crimes, the Shafia family contested the testimony of an expert, Shahrzad Mojab. In this article, Pascale Fournier features Sharhrza Mojab to help provide information regarding the social and cultural background in reference to honour crimes. The goal of this article is to create educational material for legal actors such as law makers, lawyers, and academics. 

Image credit: “Vancouver Public Central Library” by GoToVan is licensed under CC BY 2.0.