Islamophobia Lesson Plan (Grade 4)
Screen Shot Islamophobia Lesson Plan – Part 1 (Grade 9)
Nassim Elbardouh
Islamophobia, Stereotyping
Curriculum – K-12, Lesson plan

Elbardouh, N. (2021). Islamophobia Lesson Plan (Grade 4) [Sample Lesson Plan]. British Columbia Teachers’ Federation. Retrieved December 10, 2021 from

This Grade 4 lesson plan provides educators with various tools to teach students about stereotypes, Islamophobia, and empathy. This lesson plan includes activities such as an interactive iceberg activity, discussing what students know about Islam and Muslims, and an inner portrait assignment to teach students about empathy. Adaptations and extension activities are also included.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.