Making Space: Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice Throughout the K-12 Curriculum
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British Columbia Ministry of Education
Islamophobia, Social justice
Curriculum – general, Curriculum – K-12, Lesson plan

Making Space: Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice Throughout the K-12 Curriculum. (2008). British Columbia Ministry of Education. 


The Making Space: Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice Throughout K-12 is a resource guide for K-12 teachers who teach a variety of subjects to help them promote awareness and understanding regarding diversity and support for the achievement of social justice. To apply this guide in the classroom, there are four grade level sections that contain curriculum connections, diversity and social justice extension, sample lesson plans, and using existing curriculum-based materials. The resource also includes a background and rationale of the guide, pluralistic ideals in a classroom setting, considerations for teaching about diversity, and an outline on how to use this resource.

Click HERE to view.

The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.


Image credit:, CC BY-SA 3.0 ; via Wikimedia Commons