Mujeeb and Steve. (n.d.). Mujeeb and Steve. Retrieved December 18, 2021, from
Mujeeb and Steve is a media platform that illustrates the stories of Muslims to help people from varying faith backgrounds understand Muslims and the Islamic faith. The goal of Mujeeb and Steve is to foster understanding between individuals from all walks of life. This resource guide includes video clips with titles such as Islam vs Muslims and the “J” word (jihad) that can be used in the classroom. Mujeeb and Steve also features a section for educators which includes an educator’s guide (appropriate for grade 7-12), an episode matrix, and more resources. The website also includes a section on case studies which can be used as lesson plans. Examples of case studies are pluralism and diversity, media literacy and artistic and literary forms, and comparative civilizations and world religions.
Click HERE to access the website
The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.