National Council of Canadian Muslims reveals anti-Islamophobia recommendations
Screenshot National Council of Canadian Muslims reveals anti-Islamophobia recommendations
Carter, A
Cyber / bullying, Islamophobia, Racism
Blog / news media story

Carter, A. (2021, July 20). National Council of Canadian Muslims reveals anti-Islamophobia   recommendations. CBC News.

This article explains why the 60 policy recommendations proposed by the National Council of Canadian Muslims to combat hate and racism are critical, particularly with the rise of Islamophobia. In order to demonstrate the rise of Islamophobia, the article highlights various incidents such as the June 6 hit-and-run on the Afzaal family in London, Ontario, the fatal stabbing of Mohamed-Aslim Zafis outside a Toronto mosque, and the January 2017 attack on a mosque in Quebec City.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.