PAXIUM: A Role-Playing Activity Exploring Conflict and International Human Law
Screen Shot PAXIUM: A Role-Playing Activity Exploring Conflict and International Human Law
Canadian Red Cross
Human rights, Islamophobia
Curriculum – general, Lesson plan

PAXIUM: A Role-Playing Activity Exploring Conflict and International Human Law. (2003). Canadian Red Cross.

“Paxium is a role-playing activity that explores civil conflict and international humanitarian law (IHL), or ‘rules of war’. It was originally introduced in the 1985 Canadian Red Cross publication ‘What’s Fair?’. The original version has been significantly expanded and revised, based on its use over many years at the annual Global Issues Symposium for Youth—a four-day experiential learning event hosted by the Lower Mainland Region (Greater Vancouver) of the Canadian Red Cross” (p.1).

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The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.