The Murdered Bride: Jassi Sidhu
film video 256px-Animation_disc_film
The Fifth Estate
Film / video

The Fifth Estate. (2019, February 17). The Murdered Bride: Jassi Sidhu (2001) – The Fifth Estate 

[Video]. YouTube. 


“A year after her death, The Fifth Estate uncovered new information about Jaswinder Sidhu’s shocking murder and the attempt to bring her killers to justice. Sidhu had married a poor rickshaw driver against her family’s wishes. On a trip to India, she and her husband were attacked. The next day Sidhu was found face down in an irrigation ditch, her throat slit. Her husband was severely beaten and left for dead, but survived. The men arrested for the murder swore their orders came from Sidhu’s own family in Canada.”


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.


Image credit: Jj98, CC BY-SA 3.0 ; via Wikimedia Commons