The shared struggles of Muslim Canadians and Indigenous peoples
Newspaper image-from-rawpixel-id-6288081-original
H. Doutaghi & A. Courchene
Discrimination, Indigenous education, Islamophobia, Post / colonialism, Racism, Social justice
Blog / news media story

Doutaghi, H., & Courchene, A. (2021, June 15). The shared struggles of Muslim Canadians and Indigenous peoples. Rabble. 


The article notes the hypocrisy by the Canadian government as they highlight injustices, such as Islamophobic attacks, while simultaneously remaining silent about Indigenous issues. It is important to acknowledge Indigenous and non-Indigenous issues together as they are interconnected because they are rooted in systemic oppression. The lack of attention related to Indigenous issues is due to the various narratives constructed by institutions such as the media. In the context of Canada, many Canadians do not acknowledge the impact of residential schools and the relation to colonialism. The Canadian media also portrays Indigenous injustices as history and that they no longer exist. In the global context, Canadian foreign policies demonstrate the hypocrisy of the Canadian government.


The Teaching Against Islamophobia resources were developed with funding support from the Law Foundation of BC, and the Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies at SFU.