The primary way that our Centre works towards its mission to advance a more just and equitable society through education, is through our research activities. These projects are led by the Director, Associate Director, research staff, and affiliated research partners of the Centre. In this section, you will find works published by members of the CCEJ, as well as information about current research projects. The Centre frequently hosts visiting scholars and guest lecturers, supervises postdoctoral researchers, and collaborates with colleagues throughout the Lower Mainland, across Canada, and globally, who are committed to the shared goals of advancing educational justice. If you are interested in coordinating, joining, or exploring partnerships with the Cassidy Centre for Educational Justice, please reach out to discuss possibilities.


Overcoming historical factors that block the quest for educational equity in Canadian schools
Classism & capitalism, Decolonization, In/equities in K-12 schooling
Journal article
Academic Survival: Troubling the tensions between race, gender, and class in a predominantly white academic institution
In / equities in post-secondary, Racism
Book chapter
The Social Role of Vocational Education in Decolonisation
Classism & capitalism, Decolonization, Indigenous education
Journal article
Alluvial Zones of Decolonizing Internationalization of Higher Education
“Universities play a critical role in the “alluvial mixing” of Indigenous and Western knowledges, but at the same time they ...
Decolonization, In / equities in post-secondary
Journal article
The Right to Journey Home
In collaboration with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, Dr. Amy Parent, CCEJ Associate Director, recently published a magazine a...
Decolonization, Indigenous education
Blog / news media story
Untitled design-2
Exposing Colonial and Imperial Roots in Neoliberal Globalization of BC K-12 International Education System
“With the rise of British Columbia (BC) kindergarten to Grade 12 (K–12) international education (formerly known as onshore sch...
Classism & capitalism, Decolonization, In/equities in K-12 schooling, Post / colonialism
Journal article
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How Universities Gaslight EDI&I Initiatives: Mapping Institutional Resistance to Structural Change
"Despite the visibility of equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenization (EDI&I) discourses within large institutions, such...
Discrimination, In / equities in post-secondary, Racism, Social justice
Journal article
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Building Solidarity: Moving Towards the Repatriation of the House of Ni’isjoohl Totem Pole
Dr. Amy Parent, CCEJ Associate Director, has co-authored the afterword with Chief Duuk for Scotland’s Transnational Heritage, e...
Indigenous education, Post / colonialism, Social justice
Book chapter
Islam and Muslims - An Educator Resource Portal
Teaching Against Islamophobia project
Announcement regarding the development of an online resource portal for BC Educators called Islam and Muslims: An Educator Resourc...
Islamophobia, Social justice
Curriculum – K-12, Curriculum – post-secondary, Research project info / description
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From rhetoric to reality: Identifying teacher opportunities and barriers in educating for human rights
This article reports findings from a four-year study into legal literacy that examined educational opportunities and barriers when...
Civil society & citizenship, Human rights, In/equities in K-12 schooling, Legal literacy, Social justice
Journal article



Types of Resources
Types of Resources
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